13AT031/p DLFF-0275 Flutgrabenaue Waltersdorf

I was bored last Friday (18-Jun-21), so I decided short hand to backpack my equipment and to cycle to a nearby nature reserve.

Equipment used: FT-891, Wire Dipole (mounted in 45° angle directing to S-W), 40AH car battery.

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13AT/BE039 IWI Schloss-Insel (Castle-Island) & COTA Schloss Köpenick (Castle Köpenick) – proof & log – 21-July-2018

This was a short excursion today :-(.

I went on air at about 11:30 UTC. First 10 minutes were quiet. I managed to get 15 stations in the log until at about 12:15 UTC park officers came along and asked me to remove the dipole, which I had mounted solely with light sailing cords between 2 trees in approximately 2.50m height. I tried to make them change opinion, but the insisted on removing it, telling me a small antenna on the ground would be ok, but my dipole would be way far to big!?! I am pretty sure some other park visitor must have complained about it, since last time I haven’t seen any park officer at all and lots of people passed by. However I logged 2 more stations – 18MU128 and 14DX019, since both of them already tried to catch me the other day and ended this days activity very disappointed.

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13AT/BE039 IWI Schloss-Insel (Castle-Island) & COTA Schloss Köpenick (Castle Köpenick) – proof, QSL preview & log – 07-July-2018

This beautiful day has an end. Logs been digitalised, video proof has been compiled and QSLs been designed.

82 unique QSOs were established into 13 different divisions within 4 hours 50 minutes (10:30 – 15:20 UTC). The battery (34Ah) did an excellent job. I could have been on air a little longer, however propagation dropped and the park closes at 16:00 UTC, although the latter seems flexible.

Continue reading “13AT/BE039 IWI Schloss-Insel (Castle-Island) & COTA Schloss Köpenick (Castle Köpenick) – proof, QSL preview & log – 07-July-2018”


On days like these, when You have time for the radio, but the radio is just like zzz, it is a good time to go through the old cards, remembering the “better” times.

Today I took fotos of (probably not all) my IOTA QSL cards. There are QSLs missing, since they are in my DXCCs collector album. I will put them online soon.

Continue reading “My IOTA QSLs”

Gems on my harddrive aka 11m audio recordings

Oh what a surprise: I just found dozens of short audio snippets which I recorded in 2000 – 2003 or so. What a pleasure to listen to activations like 240AT/0, 252AT/0, 284AT/0, 338AT/0 or stations like Tono (RIP dear friend) airing as 145/30AT014, Rino TXing as 100AT/AS081.

I’m proud to present to You: 11m audio snippets!

Some of them are barely hard to listen to or just a few seconds short. I remember that I later used some kind of DSP software on my computer to get the most out of it.

Anyway – just enjoy & remember the good old times 😉

Vy 73s de
Martin #031