13AT031/p DLFF-0275 Flutgrabenaue Waltersdorf

I was bored last Friday (18-Jun-21), so I decided short hand to backpack my equipment and to cycle to a nearby nature reserve.

Equipment used: FT-891, Wire Dipole (mounted in 45° angle directing to S-W), 40AH car battery.

eSkip propagation to Europe was open, though not to all areas. Logged 49 stations from 11 DXCC in 3 1/2 hours, which I personally find is ok taking into account that Flora Fauna activities on 11m aren’t that popular and I went on air without any pre-announcement.

Location was a hunter high seat at JO62SI84EV and aside of many stations spotted on air, I spotted a lot of raptors, a deer and many different types of butterflies.

In the log:

163DR670, 14AT073, 29FB432, 26RB060, 1AT/P061, 14RC195, 14AT246, 14KM5805, 1PAT159, 14AT168, 1PG001, 1SATURNO1, 1OD107, 13OT001, 14AT029, 1AT158, 14PAT475, 109AT077, 14AT222, 14DX019, 47PL122, 14PAT719, 15AT115, 1AT014, 14YY007, 14DB001, 26AT077, 14SD275, 14FDX4589, 15AT116, 14AT052, 14WFL01, 30AT252, 14AT129, 14TW002, 14AT141, 15IR106, 14JB92, 14CD49, 233CI073, 1RR313, 1AT947, 1ET018, 14IR001, 14SA045, 1AT999/P, 15IR076, 1RL175, 14CD49

QSL? Yes, but only as eQSL on 11DX.net!

Vy 73 de Martin #031

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